Sunday 18 September 2011


Pregnancy not only affects a woman’ figure, it can also affect her skin. Whether you’re pregnant or just thinking about it, here’s what your skin can expect:

1. During the first trimester, you may get “the glow” associated
with early pregnancy. This radiance comes from newly created blood vessels just under the skin that carry an abundant supply of rosy-making oxygen to the skin.

2. Sensitivities manifesting them rashes or dry patches on your skin may develop. Just as you may become nauseated by certain foods or odours, you skin may develop sensitivities to any or all of the ingredients. In your normal skin-care products.

3. Acne commonly occurs any time there is hormonal upheaval- puberty, menstruation, and yes, pregnancy. Ask your doctor and pregnancy-care provider about treating acne; many commonly prescribed antibiotics, such as a tetracycline and Roaccutane®, cause birth defects. Tretinoin may also be linked to birth defects, making it sensible to avoid products containing this vitamin A derivative. Formulas with salicylic acid, a skin-care ingredient related to aspirin, are another no-no. However, some doctors say the topical antibiotic erythromycin is safe, as are alpha hydroxy acids.

4. Melasma – the “mask of pregnancy” – commonly occurs during the second trimester. Caused by hormone activity, the condition consists of brown patches on the forehead, cheeks, or above the lip. The hormonal changes of pregnancy make your skin more likely to develop dark pigment when exposed to sunlight. The common dermatologic prescription is sun-avoidance and use of hydroquinone bleaching creams once the baby is born and breast-feeding has stopped.

5. Broken blood vessels are common during pregnancy; they are caused by an increase in the body’s blood volume, which will disappear after pregnancy. Others can be treated by a laser-wielding dermatologist.

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