Thursday 15 September 2011

Hair Care Tips For Prefect Bride

Before your wedding day you are so busy with all the activities that you tend to forget various things. It is easy to neglect a proper diet and adequate hair care. It is true that good hair is hereditary. But if you take proper diet and care of your hair you can give a new look that dull hair.

The structure of hair is like that of the scales on the skin of a fish. Smoother overlapping and unspoiled structure of this makes the hair look shiny and smooth. If proper care is not taken than the hair becomes tangled or roughed-up and makes the hair look rough and dull and makes it difficult to comb.

The hair color, texture and the age for its graying depends upon the genetic build up of the person. However there are few external factors, which contribute to the health of hair, texture and its looks. Here are certain tips, which you can during the pre wedding days to give your hair a healthy look.

Hair Care Tips For Bride:

•You will need to categorize your hair into any of the three types – oily, dry and normal and care for them accordingly. In case it is dry or oily, you might consider the option for using special products or taking proper treatments to ensure that they look healthy on the wedding day.

•As far as possible, avoid the use of blow-dryers or straightening irons on your hair. At the same time, stay away from the styling products, like hair sprays, mousse, gels, etc. Rather, opt for products that comprise of natural ingredients and shun all the chemical-based ones.

•Always use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles from your hair and avoid using a brush for the same. Also, try not to comb your hair when it is dripping wet. This might lead to excessive breakage, as wet hair is quite fragile and brittle.

•Try and stay indoors to avoid hair damage from sun light. Over exposure to sun light may lead to discoloring your hair tips. If you have to step out for some urgent work, ensure that your hair is covered in a bandana or adorn a hat.

•Remember the golden rule of hair care- Do Not Comb your hair when it is wet. Always let your hair dry out before combing or brushing it. Also ensure that you opt for a wide tooth wooden brush or comb for combing.

•The only way to flaunt great hair is to eat natural hair boosting fruits and food items. Ensure that you drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water on a daily basis. Your diet should comprise of loads of green vegetables, sprouts and Omega 3 enriched food like fishes. If you are a vegetarian, then you can try having the Cod Liver Oil and Vitamin B capsules for boosting hair growth,

•Don’t choose a style that’s too structured. It will be impossible to maintain.

•Touch up your existing hair color two weeks before the wedding.

•Don’t change your hair color within two months of the wedding.

•Do not use unfamiliar hair products on the big day you could be allergic to them.

•Keep proper care of your diet. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water in a day and increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables will help improve the overall health of your hair. Avoid foods that contain too much oil or spices.

•It is always advisable to go for monthly deep conditioning treatments, from your stylist. In case this proves too expensive for you, undertake the same at home, using a leave in conditioner. However, get at least one treatment from the stylist, a few days before the D-day.

•Wash your hair at least 2-3 times in a week and make sure to use a good conditioner every time. As far as possible, stick to a protein conditioner, as it helps improves the health of hair. If you want, you can opt for herbal conditioners as well, which do not contain any chemicals.

List of things to do if your wedding is around the corner:

•Drink plenty of water. You will be giving your hair the necessary minerals and flushing out toxins

•Your hair needs a protein-rich diet. Include soya beans, palak, paneer, Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, kabuli chana and almonds in your diet

•Condition your hair by oiling it thrice a week. Leave the oil overnight and wash off the next day

•If you want to pamper your hair, aromatherapy for the scalp might be a good idea. This is a French technique, which makes use of various essential oils to give your hair that extra sheen

•Avoid chemical treatments of the hair like perming, straightening etc. as it may rebound. Permanent chemical treatment of the hair alters the di-sulphide bonds of the hair, thus damaging it

•Make sure you treat your hair well. Even if you are in a hurry, don’t brush rapidly or roughly. Never brush or comb your hair when it is wet. Don’t share brushes or combs to avoid infection. Hot rollers and hair dryers also damage the hair; the best way to dry hair is by blotting it with a towel. If you must use a dryer, use a cold hair dryer.

So these are some of the tips you can follow to give that extra shine and healthy look to your hair on the day of your wedding. And along with these you should also maintain a proper balanced diet and seven hours of sleep daily. Don’t forget to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water and lots of calcium in your daily food. Drink coconut water at least twice a week. It is good for your skin, digestive system and gives a magical effect to your hair.

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